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Showing posts from April, 2018

On to the Next Big Thing

So... I have very exciting news! This summer, I will be studying religion in fantasy literature in London, England. I'll be staying in the FSU owned flats, which are just a few minutes from the West End, the major theatre district in London. I am so stoked to have the amazing opportunity to be analyzing some of my favorite stories where they created, in a place with rich history and the perfect setting for unique adventures. I'm also pumped to be living in close proximity to the best older brother in the world for a month, as it's been nearly 10 years since we've lived in the same state, let alone country! For my program, I'll be studying the works of J.K. Rowling (!!!), J.R. Tolkien (!!!), C.S. Lewis (!), and Phillip Pullman (...?), as well as exploring the places these works were inspired by. Additionally, we'll be taking a weekend jaunt to Edinburgh, Scotland, which I've been told is one of the most beautiful places in the world. While I've been l