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Showing posts from December, 2017

Cat Cafe Tour of America

Hi. I like cats. Like, a lot. You know what else I like? Trendy cafes. Thankfully for me, these two things have been colliding in city after city here in America. Cat cafe's technically originated in Taiwan, but really took hold when they made their way to Japan. After many successful establishments popped up there, they traveled to New York and have spread like wildfire ever since. The basic idea is that you can roll up to this coffee shop, eat your pastries, relish your morning Joe, cuddle cats, and not have to deal with the downsides of pet ownership. Many cat cafes donate a portion of the money for your visit to local shelters, and house adoptable cats for people to bond with and provide a forever home to. Java Cats- Atlanta, Georgia As a cat owner, I was excited to hear about this little bit of heaven on Earth, but I also recognized all that could go wrong here. Many cats are very social, but they have a threshold. When they're done with you- they're done. Also,